Platinum $2,500
Megan Hawthorn
Independent Financial on
behalf of Lucas Sorenson
Charlie Miller
Silver $1,000-$2,499
Howard & Kathie Brand
Mike & Carol Davlin
Everett Schneider
David & Lea Sorenson
Bronze $500-$999
Baumgardner Giving Fund
Colorado Rockies Baseball
Community Shares of CO
fbo Pinnocol Assurance
Matthew Kersten-Gray
Ricki Moyer
Andre & Mary Beth Puaka
Susan Ritchie
S.E. Incorporated Electrical
Lucas Sorenson &
Hector Puentes
John Wright
Patron $250-$499
Jorge & Georgia Arribau
Connie Belz
Barbara Fahmy
William Galloway MD
Liam Harty
Janet Hazlett
Ned & Carol High
JEWISHcolorado on behalf of the Spritzer Family
Karen Juenemann
Maureen Liegl
Alan Long
Mary McDonnell
Rachel McGuire
Timothy & Jill Wayne
Deborah Woodard
Friend $1-$249
Harry Adair
Jason Atkins
Barbara Carter
Jesse Chadwick
Jon Corson-Rikert
Tyler Corson-Rikert
Dana Eason
Daniel Eitemiller
Rosemary Evans
Carol Fields
David Fletcher
Kenneth Fordyce
Neville & Patricia Gaggiana
Chris Hammond
Karen Harris
Albert Hart
Geoffrey & Mallory High
Janine Hill
Margaret Hotze
Herma Hughes
Travis Humburg
Eileen Hunt
Catherine Hupp
Eugene & Sally Johnson
Claudia Jones
Wesley Jones
Stephanie Katz
Gordon & Beth Kieft
Brian Lemaire
Patricia Longo
Andrea Loughry
Judith Macomber
Elizabeth Martinez
Donald McMaster
In Honor of Ricki Moyer
Caitlin Muse
In Loving Memory of
Ronda Peer
Carissa Pichon
Joan Porter
Chris Powell
John Reinsburrow
Iris Reyes
Bruce & Irene Rose
Mark Sammartano - In Loving Memory of Joan Schauer
Judith Shafer
Kristina Soderholm
Abigail Spencer
Sprise Media
David Stringfellow
Edward Svodboda
Jeananne Swope
Barbara Ungashick
Ann Ver Linden
Cheryl Walton
Amy Warrender
Justin & Caitlyn Waterworth
Wendy Williams
Ellen Wilson
Lee Witner
Joyce Witte
Sandy Wong
Stacy Worthington
Sustaining Gifts
Liam Harty - In Loving Memory of Joan Schauer
Ricki Vorrath-Moyer
In-Kind Gifts
Flowers - Carol High
Graphic Arts - Joyce Witte
Livestream Production - Jeffrey Harms and Ric White
Photography - Greg Carr
Alpine Bank A Colorado bank focused on community
Bedrock Landscaping Materials Beautify your outdoor space www.bedrock landscapingmaterial.com
Kroger Family of Stores
King Soopers Loyalty Card Community Rewards
Miller & Urtz LLC
Providing legal services for over 30 years www.millerurtz.com
The Metropolitan Choral Festival is dedicated to uniting singers from all
walks of life to perform choral masterpieces. We foster a love of music, inspire our community, and present a free concert accessible to all.
To create a vibrant community where the power of choral music transcends differences, uniting voices to uplift and inspire.

Ricki Vorrath-Moyer attended Andrews University in Berrien Springs, Michigan, then received her Bachelor of Music in Organ Performance at the University of Colorado, Boulder. She went on to receive her Master of Music degree in Organ Performance, with minor emphases in choral conducting and piano pedagogy. She is currently Organist/Accompanist at First Plymouth Congregational Church, Cherry Hills Village and serves as the Principal Accompanist for the Denver Gay Men’s Chorus. Ricki is a new business underwriter at Pinnacol Assurance.
The Metropolitan Choral Festival (MCF) was formed after the passing of Ronald J. Williams (1947-2013), Founder and Director of the Broomfield Choral Festival which preceded MCF. The mission of both organizations was based on presenting a free concert of major choral works to the public annually. Mr. Williams was an active conductor, musician, teacher and avid composer, arranging over 130 hymns for small band ensemble, piano and organ. His vocal works have been performed in concert by many area chorales. MCF is honored to continue his musical legacy and love for choral music.

Matthew Kingham received both his Bachelor of Music degree and Master of Music degree in piano performance from the University of Denver’s Lamont School of Music. Matthew has been organist and associate director of music at St. John’s Lutheran Church and the Kirk of Bonnie Brae since 2001. He is also a part time accompanist for the Colorado Children’s Chorale and The Aurora Singers. Since 2013, Matthew has been the full-time accompanist for all seven choirs at Denver East High School.

Eric Bertoluzzi played cello for 42 years in the Colorado Symphony Orchestra (CSO). He retired in the spring of 2013 and is now the Executive Director of Englewood Arts. Englewood Arts is a community resource dedicated to enriching the lives of children and adults through art education, performance, and partnerships. Their ranks include many top artists and performers, including many musicians from CSO.
The Metropolitan Choral Festival is a registerd 501c3 nonprofit organization overseen by a board of directors, comprised of local business professionals and musicians. The board is responsible for fundraising as well as the annual planning and execution of the festival program.
Joyce Witte President
Matthew Kersten-Gray Vice President
Mike Lewis Secretary
Lucas Sorenson Treasurer
David Bell Director
Matt Kingham Director
Charlie Miller Director
Chris Powell Director
Iris Reyes Director
In addition to the many hours they spend preparing vocally for the concert performances, directors also serve many volunteer roles including: coordinating facility rentals for rehearsals and performances; planning and executing the post-concert reception; providing legal counsel to the organization; managing public relations including concert promotion and external communications; and they are responsible for annual fundraising, grant writing and donor relations.